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One event!, 16 countries!, Three locations!, Hundreds online , Same time, interconnected….

The WAACSP 2021 induction ceremony held on the 27th of March 2021, witnessed perhaps the first multi-city induction event that will forever resonate in our hearts as a memorable and inspiring event.

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the restrictions placed on social gatherings brought about ingenuity and the very first online and physical induction combined. We still had a synchronized event across all our centers.


The event commenced with the arrival of Inductees to the respective venues and online. The welcome address by the associations board chair Yvonne Ohui Maccarthy, speeches by our guest speakers and patrons left us all in awe of the possibility of a service-conscious world.

The Chairperson, Yvonne Ohui MacCarthy gave a vigorous charge to our inductees on raising the standard and lifting the torch to light up the world of Customer service across Africa.

The highlight of the event was the avenue created for networking amongst our members (across all categories) after the vote of thanks from the Ghana and Nigeria venues.

If you weren’t at the induction ceremony (either physically or virtually), it is safe to say you missed out on a truly memorable event.

A new breed of Professionals have been empowered to cause a paradigm shift that will cut across all sectors in Africa.


The service year just got exciting and we look forward to sharing every part of it with you.

Congratulations to all our newly inducted members.

Cheers to the start of an enthralling service year!

Download the e-copy of the brochure HERE

For pictures from the WAACSP 2021 Induction ceremony, kindly click on the links below:




West African Association of Customer Service Professionals is the umbrella body of customer service professionals in the sub – region.

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